Events organized by department in last 5 years
1) Department of chemistry
- Parents teachers meeting
- Workshop on advantages of HPLC in industry
- Seminar on guest lecture on career opportunities
2) department of mathematics
- Quiz on mathematical
- Parents teachers meeting
3) Department of Zoology
- Celebration of wildlife week
- Organized parents teachers meeting
- Organized the blood donation camp
4) Department of Botany
- Career opportunities in botany
- Organised parents teachers meeting
- Organise the plantation program
- Organise the posters presentation.
5) Department of Physics
- Celebrate the energy conservation day
- Quiz on physics
6)Department of Marathi
- मराठी भाषा संवर्धन आणि आव्हाने – डा. रमेश रावलकर.
- Parents meeting
7) Department of Hindi
- राष्ट्रीय webinar – हिन्दी भाषा उद्धव विकास और उपलंबधिया
- हिंदी भाषा – दशा और दिशा
- हिंदी भाषा दिवस
8) Department of political science
- भारतीय लोकशाहीतील समतावाद€ _%ीकोन अTछ वाÔतवता
- Parents meeting