मा. श्री. भैयासाहेब अर्जुन नितीन पाटील

सचिव, राष्ट्रीय चॅरीटेबल ट्रस्ट, औरंगाबाद.

Secretary's Message

Dear Students, Friends, Parents…

Greetings with love!!!

The Chairman of the Rashtriya Charitable Trust, Aurangabad, Shri Annasaheb, and our respected grandfather, Shri Dadasaheb, initiated the Rashtriya Arts, Commerce, and Science College in Nagad, Tq. Kannad. Dist. Chattrapati Sambhaji Nagar (Aurangabad), where all of us have entered various branches of knowledge. We wholeheartedly welcome and congratulate all of you for becoming members of the ‘Rashtriya’ family.

The main characteristic of our college is that we provide higher education facilities to students from rural, tribal, and hilly regions like Nagad, along with promoting their social, economic, educational, and cultural, sports, agricultural, employment, and industrial development while instilling values of independence, equality, and brotherhood. To achieve this goal, the college is dedicated to the creation of knowledge, its dissemination, and the enhancement of students’ competitive qualities and abilities.

The modern age is the age of science and technology. In line with this, we utilize knowledge and modern technology tools for the holistic development and personality grooming of our college students. We encourage you all to take advantage of this and strive for your all-round progress. As you grow and excel, the reputation of the institution will also grow, leading to the overall development of your village, taluka, district, state, and nation. Your contribution will play a vital role in this.

It is important to note that India is a country with one of the largest youth populations in the world. If you, the youth, decide to become leaders as envisioned by President Abdul Kalam, and if you bring honor to India on the international stage, you will be at the forefront of the nation’s progress. I extend my heartfelt wishes to all of you on this journey.

Mr. Arjun Nitin Patil

Secretary, Rashtriya Charitable Trust, Aurangabad.